Schwartzman is the new Groucho?

For someone that died before I was born, I sure miss Groucho Marx a lot. I’ve watched Animal Crackers so many times. And Duck Soup too. And a handful of other that I’ve watched repeatedly. Each of them are amazing in their own way.

More about Groucho another time.

I’ve watched Jason Schwartzman in almost everything he’s done. My favourites are Rushmore, I Heart Huckabees, Hotel Chevalier, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Bored to Death.

Zang, that’s an amazing list. The guy is best when he’s on the outside, looking in a the winners. Equal parts despising them and envious. He does it like few people do.

It’s not just that his comedic timing is impeccable. Truly impecable. It’s also that he brings a vulnerability to every moment. Even at his most confident and powerful, he knows he can be toppled.

Maybe that’s the connection between him and Groucho that I have never realized was there before.

So along comes the video for The New Yorker’s new iPad app.

Watch it a few times. At the :28 mark, it’s like watching Groucho Marx reinvented. Incredible.

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